Wooded 3 acre lot in the Crossings. Build your dream home in this quiet community with fabulous mountain views all around. Nice community picnic area. Three bedroom perc test on file. Community well may be available. Just 15 minutes to Marion and I-40. HOA dues under $300/yr. Frontier phone and Skyrunner Internet.
Price: | $29,900 |
Address: | 295 South View Drive 49 |
City: | Marion |
County: | McDowell |
State: | North Carolina |
Zip Code: | 28752 |
MLS: | CAR3696642 |
Acres: | 3.020 |
Lot Square Feet: | 3.020 acres |
associationFee: | 289.72 |
associationFeeFrequency: | Annually |
associationName: | The Crossings at Sugar Hill POA |
associationPhone: | (301) 762-2049 |
carAdditionalInformation: | Perc Report |
carBuyerAgentSaleYN: | no |
carConstructionType: | Site Built |
carDeedReference: | 948 |
carGeocodeSource: | Manual |
carHoaEmail: | [email protected] |
carHoaSubjectTo: | Required |
carHoaSubjectToDues: | Mandatory |
carOutBuildingsYN: | no |
carOwnerAgentYN: | no |
carPermitSyndicationYN: | yes |
carPlatBookSlide: | 5/83 |
carPlatReferenceSectionPages: | 407 |
carProposedSpecialAssessmentYN: | no |
carRestrictions: | Manufactured Home Not Allowed,Square Feet |
carRestrictionsDescription: | Shared Well, No Mobile Homes, No Commercial, Subdivision Restrictions, Recorded Plat |
carSqFtBuildingMinimum: | 960 |
carStatusContractualSearchDate: | 2021-01-08 |
carTable: | Listing - Land |
communityFeatures: | Picnic Area |
elementarySchool: | Unspecified |
elevation: | 1500 |
foundationDetails: | N/A |
habitableResidenceYN: | no |
highSchool: | McDowell |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | yes |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | yes |
listAgentAor: | Burke County Board of Realtors |
listAgentDirectPhone: | 828-443-5407 |
listAgentFullName: | Polly Leadbetter |
listAgentMlsId: | CARpollyl |
listOfficeMlsId: | CARNCM81490 |
listOfficePhone: | 828-584-9999 |
listingOfficeName: | Lake James Real Estate Inc |
lotFeatures: | Rolling Slope, Wooded, Views, Wooded |
lotSizeDimensions: | Irregular |
majorChangeTimestamp: | 2021-01-08T15:15:11+00:00 |
majorChangeType: | New Listings |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | West McDowell |
mlgCanView: | 1 |
originalListPrice: | 29900 |
originatingSystemModificationTimestamp: | 2021-01-08T16:39:10+00:00 |
originatingSystemName: | carolina |
parcelNumber: | 68700503899 |
possibleUse: | Recreational/2nd House, Residential |
priceChangeTimestamp: | 2021-01-08T15:15:11+00:00 |
roadFrontageType: | Gravel, Paved Road, Private Road |
roadResponsibility: | Private Maintained Road |
roadSurfaceType: | Gravel |
sewer: | Septic Needed |
specialListingConditions: | None |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2021-01-08T15:15:11+00:00 |
streetNumberNumeric: | 295 |
structureType: | Lot |
utilities: | Electricity Available, Telephone On-Site |
waterSource: | Shared Well, Well Needed |
waterfrontFeatures: | None |
zoningDescription: | R |