Active Under Contract
Possibilities abound on the beautiful farmland with NO RESTRICTIONS. Over 190 acres of rolling pasture and woods. Parcel is divided by state road with 21 acres on west side and balance on right. Hoppers Creek runs through the larger parcel. Perfect spot for your farm, cattle ranch or very private residence. Just 10 minutes south of 1-40 providing easy access to Morganton, Marion, Asheville and Charlotte. This one of a kind property has been virtually untouched and owned by one family for 50 years. A true gem if you are looking for a private retreat.
Price: | $639,000 |
Address: | 1098 Dysartsville Road |
City: | Nebo |
County: | McDowell |
State: | North Carolina |
Zip Code: | 28761 |
MLS: | CAR3618119 |
Acres: | 192.180 |
Lot Square Feet: | 192.180 acres |
buyerOfficeMlsId: | CARNCM81490 |
buyerOfficeName: | Lake James Real Estate Inc |
buyerOfficePhone: | 828-584-9999 |
carBuyerAgentSaleYN: | no |
carCanSubdivideYN: | yes |
carDeedReference: | 1331/993 |
carGeocodeSource: | Manual |
carHoaSubjectTo: | None |
carHoaSubjectToDues: | No |
carOutBuildingsYN: | no |
carOwnerAgentYN: | no |
carPermitSyndicationYN: | yes |
carProposedSpecialAssessmentYN: | no |
carRestrictions: | No Restrictions |
carStatusContractualSearchDate: | 2020-12-09 |
carTable: | Listing - Land |
communityFeatures: | None |
cumulativeDaysOnMarket: | 215 |
daysOnMarket: | 215 |
elementarySchool: | Nebo |
elevation: | 1000 |
foundationDetails: | N/A |
greenBuildingVerificationType: | None |
habitableResidenceYN: | no |
highSchool: | McDowell |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | no |
internetConsumerCommentYN: | no |
listAgentAor: | Burke County Board of Realtors |
listAgentDirectPhone: | 828-443-5407 |
listAgentFullName: | Polly Leadbetter |
listAgentMlsId: | CARpollyl |
listOfficeMlsId: | CARNCM81490 |
listOfficePhone: | 828-584-9999 |
listingOfficeName: | Lake James Real Estate Inc |
lotFeatures: | Creekfront, Pasture, Runway Lot, Stream/Creek, Wooded, Wooded |
majorChangeTimestamp: | 2020-12-09T20:21:20+00:00 |
majorChangeType: | Under Contract-Show |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | East McDowell |
mlgCanView: | 1 |
originalListPrice: | 639000 |
originatingSystemModificationTimestamp: | 2020-12-09T21:04:44+00:00 |
originatingSystemName: | carolina |
parcelNumber: | 1659-00-21-8175 |
pendingTimestamp: | 2020-12-09T05:00:00+00:00 |
possibleUse: | Farm, Horses, Log, Pasture/Grazing, Private Estate, Recreational/2nd House, Residential |
roadFrontageType: | Paved Road, State Road |
roadResponsibility: | Public Maintained Road |
roadSurfaceType: | Paved |
sewer: | Septic Needed |
specialListingConditions: | None |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2020-12-09T20:21:20+00:00 |
streetNumberNumeric: | 1098 |
structureType: | Acreage |
utilities: | Electricity Available, Telephone On-Site |
waterSource: | Well Needed |
waterfrontFeatures: | None |
zoningDescription: | McDowell |