appliances: | Ceiling Fan(s), Dishwasher, Dryer, Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Washer |
architecturalStyle: | Ranch |
buildingAreaTotal: | 2098 |
buyerAgentAor: | Burke County Board of Realtors |
buyerAgentFullName: | Damion Patton |
buyerAgentMlsId: | CAR550500277 |
buyerAgentOfficePhone: | 828-403-1756 |
buyerOfficeMlsId: | CARNCM81920 |
buyerOfficeName: | Belote Realty |
buyerOfficePhone: | 828-433-9510 |
carBuyerAgentSaleYN: | no |
carConstructionType: | Site Built |
carDeedReference: | 2413-335 |
carDoorsWindows: | Storm Door(s),Storm Window(s) |
carGeocodeSource: | Manual |
carHoaSubjectTo: | None |
carOwnerAgentYN: | no |
carPermitSyndicationYN: | yes |
carProposedSpecialAssessmentYN: | no |
carRoom1BathsFull: | 2 |
carRoom1BedsTotal: | 3 |
carRoom1RoomType: | Bathroom(s), Bedroom(s), Den, Dining Area, Entry Hall, Kitchen, Laundry, Living Room, Master Bedroom |
carRoom2RoomType: | None |
carSqFtMain: | 2098 |
carSqFtUnheatedBasement: | 854 |
carSqFtUnheatedMain: | 2098 |
carSqFtUnheatedTotal: | 2952 |
carStatusContractualSearchDate: | 2020-09-06 |
carStreetViewParam: | 1$35.744124$-81.703663$29.17$13.33$1.00$hG4RvItpZ365N0oApJU9BA |
carTable: | Listing - Residential |
carWaterHeater: | Electric |
constructionMaterials: | Brick, Stucco |
cumulativeDaysOnMarket: | 59 |
daysOnMarket: | 55 |
elementarySchool: | Forest Hill |
elevation: | 1000 |
foundationDetails: | Basement |
heating: | Central, Gas Hot Air Furnace |
highSchool: | Freedom |
internetAutomatedValuationDisplayYN: | yes |
laundryFeatures: | Main Level |
listAgentAor: | Burke County Board of Realtors |
listAgentDirectPhone: | 828-584-9999 |
listAgentFullName: | Loralie Clark |
listAgentMlsId: | CARlclark |
listOfficeMlsId: | CARNCM81490 |
listOfficePhone: | 828-584-9999 |
listingOfficeName: | Lake James Real Estate Inc |
lotFeatures: | Pond(s), Sloped, Wooded, Wooded |
majorChangeTimestamp: | 2020-09-07T16:28:38+00:00 |
majorChangeType: | Under Contract-Show |
middleOrJuniorSchool: | Walter Johnson |
mlgCanView: | 1 |
newConstructionYN: | no |
originalListPrice: | 369900 |
originatingSystemModificationTimestamp: | 2020-09-07T16:28:38+00:00 |
originatingSystemName: | carolina |
parcelNumber: | 4098 |
parkingFeatures: | None |
pendingTimestamp: | 2020-09-06T04:00:00+00:00 |
previousListPrice: | 369900 |
priceChangeTimestamp: | 2020-08-19T20:37:36+00:00 |
roadResponsibility: | Public Maintained Road |
roadSurfaceType: | Circular |
roof: | Shingle |
roomBathroom1Level: | Main |
roomBathroom2Level: | Main |
roomBedroom1Level: | Main |
roomBedroom2Level: | Main |
roomDenLevel: | Main |
roomDiningAreaLevel: | Main |
roomEntryHallLevel: | Main |
roomKitchenLevel: | Main |
roomLaundryLevel: | Main |
roomLivingRoomLevel: | Main |
roomMasterBedroomLevel: | Main |
roomNoneLevel: | Basement |
roomType: | Bathroom 1, Bathroom 2, Den, Dining Area, Entry Hall, Kitchen, Laundry, Living Room, Master Bedroom, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, None |
sewer: | Public Sewer |
specialListingConditions: | None |
statusChangeTimestamp: | 2020-09-07T16:28:38+00:00 |
streetNumberNumeric: | 104 |
structureType: | 1 Story Basement |
waterSource: | Public |
zoningDescription: | AB0 |